Friday, March 31, 2017

Fan Special: Dream Trio: Aime Kiwakana, Djo Mpoyi and Malage de Lugendo

From fan request, I am going to speak about these three men 

Aime Kiwakana, Djo Mpoyi and Malage de Lugendo. It is amazing that these men never sang together as a trio during their time in OK Jazz.

Too often they were singing with others in OKJ such as Ntesa, Josky, Madilu or Ndombe. They did sing together but alongside with another person. This leads me to this post. 

I know that these men would have sounded great as a trio and they should have done some songs together where it is only these men together. I know it would have sounded incredibly sweet and great as three only singers together.

I have some songs where they could have been strong as a trio in OKJ. From all periods 
Ladji of Simaro
Celio of Franco
Taweba of Ndombe 
Bois Noir of Empompo Loway 
Mamba of Simaro
Soeto of Josky

It is a great question wondering why there was never a moment where these men sang together as a trio? I will let you decide that call.